The Ministry of Ecological Transition has carried out a detailed study of the conversion premium over the year 2018. The balance sheet for the community is positive with an estimated gain of 65 million euros including the reduction of emissions, fuels and fuel. maintenance costs.
What are the benefits to the community of the conversion premium? The Department of Ecological Transition has attempted to answer this question by analyzing in detail all of the conversion bonus files accepted throughout 2018.
253,000 cases were validated in 2018. Their analysis shows that, overall, the conversion bonus benefited rural households, which were not taxable in 72% of cases and allowed old vehicles to be scrapped (19 years on average) and the vast majority of diesel engines (80% of cases).
In return, the beneficiaries of the CAP instead bought a vehicle with lower CO2 emissions (106 g of CO2 compared to 112 g for a new vehicle). 48% of these purchases also involved a diesel vehicle, 47% a gasoline vehicle and 2% for an all-electric vehicle. In all cases, two-thirds involve Euro 6 models and are opportunities for 60% with an average purchase price of 13,200 euros.
“For all 253,000 vehicles in the database, the socio-economic balance sheet, which includes the additional purchase cost, is a collective net gain of € 65 million, the main gain of € 220 million. from reducing air pollution to fine particulate matter and nitrogen oxides (NOx), emissions of NOx and fine particles are reduced by 2,700 and 240 tonnes, respectively, with fuel savings of 75 million. up to 60 million “, explains the ministry in its report (see the table below). ” It therefore seems that public intervention is justified, because the holders of old vehicles do not have, according to these analyzes, a sufficient individual interest to replace them ,”
Taken aback by the success of its scheme, the government has chosen to restrict the conditions for access to the conversion premium from 1 August 2019. The eligibility threshold has increased to 116 grams of CO2 / km, compared to 122 before. Vehicles acquired must also be electric, or classified Crit’Air 1 or Crit’Air 2 (registered after 1 September 2019 for the latter).
The bonus can reach 3000 euros for the purchase of a thermal vehicle, 5000 for a new or used electric or hybrid rechargeable vehicle. The premium is doubled for 20% of the most modest households.