It is now less than a month to apply for the annual start-up contest, organized by the ACF and the France Auto Tech association. 200 000 euros of various endowments are at stake.
At a fast pace the deadline is getting closer. As of December 20, 2019, it will be too late to apply for the third edition of the ACF AutoTech Grand Prix. The event organized by the ACF and France Auto Tech calls for participation of the most innovative French and international start-ups in the automotive field.
The stakes are high. Thanks to the contribution of partners who are more and more invested in the project, the endowment of the edition reaches 200,000 euros, of which 35,000 euros in cash and the rest in benefits of accompaniment and benefits. Louis Desanges, president of the Automobile Club de France and president of the Jury was delighted by the enthusiasm. ” For 2020 the ACF AutoTech Grand Prix sends a strong signal to the sector: Axa, Faurecia, Fidal and the Renault group continue to give us their confidence to bring out and help the nuggets of tomorrow,” he said.
A novelty is appearing this year and will certainly please entrepreneurs. The AutoTech CarStudio Accelerator (Mobivia) and the ACF AutoTech Grand Prix join forces, and both events offer a standardized application. Clearly, start-ups who file a file automatically become postulants at the entrance to the accelerator of the northern group.
For the record, the final will take place on April 2, 2020, at the Automobile Club de France. Six candidates will go on stage to present their file to the jury. In 2019, Hiflow (formerly Expedicar) and ProovStation were rewarded, while CarJaeger won the Audience Award.