With a rising turnover and customer satisfaction bordering on excellence, the e-commerce specialist, bought a year ago by the PHE group, aims to accelerate its international development.
The difficulties of the last years seem to have passed for Oscaro. Since its takeover by Parts Holding Europe a year ago , the pureplayer is rebuilding little by little. A new president took the reins of the company, followed by a new management team , while the revival of the activity began in recent months with diversifications in the tire industry , carsharing , collection vehicles or even the technical control . What revive the machine.
2.5 million customers
“Our Net Promoter Score (which measures the customer satisfaction rate) has been growing steadily for the last 6 months and we have a 95% satisfaction rate for the quality of our telephone service.Our return rate is now at 5%. The aim is to achieve excellence in terms of quality of service and I am pleased to see that the mobilization of the teams in this direction is bearing fruit, “says Jan Löning , President of Oscaro.
With the support of PHE, the pure-player with 2.5 million customers a year for a turnover of 300 million euros is doing well. Evidenced by its double-digit growth since the summer of 2019 and the results of an OpinionWay survey that indicates ” that 47% of owners or users of vehicles ” are customers of Oscaro. Benefiting from a solid financial base, Oscaro is now aiming for international expansion.
Development prospects abroad
With these results, the company relies on foreign countries to accelerate its development, starting with Spain, then Portugal, and Belgium. But Oscaro also wants to set up in the Netherlands: ” 10% of our turnover is generated internationally, mainly in Spain, but our room for improvement is really important. development in Spain where we believe we can double our growth in the coming years, strengthen our presence in the Flemish part of Belgium and establish ourselves in the Netherlands “, Judge Jan Löning .
And the leader concludes by estimating being able to reach in the long term “a new market of 24 million people very sensitive to the Do It Yourself Our ambition is that the international represents 30% of our global turnover within 3 years” .